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Parametric Lighting






1 month



How might we design a lighting fixture which creates a feel larger than life?


As an upcoming science centre in Bangalore, Param innovation centre needed Sci-fi themed aesthetic installations. We at Out of the Box took this as challenge to design something unique looking.

I was vested with the responsibility to head the project from ideation to final prototyping.


To design a Sci-fi looking Parametric lighting installation out of cardboard, for a newly constructed science experience centre. The science centre was the client for "out of the box"


    An organic form that complements the theme Sci-fi, yet look aesthetic for high ceiling fixtures creating an ambient effect. Most of the research done was to identify the kind of temperature of the light and the intensity of it and most of all the right form factor which allows the same.
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Sketching and 3D visualization helped me produce multiple
ideations and iterations to present to the client. Yet, arriving at the right form took time.

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Through using softwares such as Rhino and Slicer 3D, I was able to print out the sheets to scale, apply that on the cardboard and give it for cutting. Once the cut pieces arrived, it was just a matter of slotting it in the right order. Later some parts were hand cut, to help create slots for the LED lights.


The process taken to reach the final model was long, The final scale of the model was about 5ft x 2ft x 1.2ft, with a scale that big it made the lighting look like an organic U.F.O hovering above people.


Arjun Balaganesh

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