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Caregiver assistance






1 month



How might we design an intervention for Care-givers of the elderly that uplifts them by reducing their emotional, mental, and physical burdens during care-giving?


Informal caregivers are individuals who selflessly provide care to family members or friends without financial compensation. These caregivers form an essential but often overlooked part of the healthcare ecosystem, and this project is a step toward acknowledging their invaluable contributions. By focusing on both digital and physical support systems, this project aims to create a meaningful impact in the lives of caregivers while prioritizing their well-being.


The goal is to design a solution that not only reduces these burdens but also empowers caregivers with the necessary resources, tools, and emotional support to continue their caregiving responsibilities effectively.


Caregiving, while an act of love, often becomes a silent struggle Studies reveal that caregiving can lead to chronic stress, health decline, and social isolation, as caregivers prioritize their loved ones' needs over their own. This research delves into the unspoken challenges faced by caregivers.

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The ideation process focuses on designing thoughtful interventions that address the diverse challenges faced by caregivers. These ideas prioritize emotional, physical, and mental well-being, ensuring caregivers feel supported and empowered throughout their journey.

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The prototype explores a holistic caregiving solution comprising three interconnected components:
- Physical Buddy: This "buddy" serves as a physical companion for the caregiver.
- Wearables for Vital Monitoring: A set of wearable devices tailored for both the caregiver and the care recipient.
- Integrated App: It consolidates inputs from the buddy and wearables, enabling caregivers to monitor trends.


A System Designed to Support the Caregiver. This integrated system is a comprehensive solution aimed at alleviating the burden of caregiving. By combining a physical buddy for emotional and functional support, wearable devices for real-time health monitoring, and an intuitive app for data visualization and task management, the system creates a seamless ecosystem.

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